Medical Advisory

The Medical Advisory Committee meets three times a year and reports to the Board of Trustees. The Committee operates under Terms of Reference which can be found here.

Professor Hugh Watkins FRS (Chair)
Radcliffe Professor of Medicine and  BHF Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford
Expertise – Cardiovascular disease

Professor Sophie Hambleton
Professor of Paediatrics and Immunology, Newcastle University and Honorary Consultant at Newcastle’s Great North Children’s Hospital
Expertise – Genetics, Immunology & Infection
2012 Sir Jules Thorn Award winner

Professor Tracy Hussell
Professor of Inflammatory Disease and Director of the Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation, University of Manchester
Expertise – Immunology, Macrophage, Chronic lung disease

Professor Sam Janes
Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Director of Medicine, University College London
Expertise – Respiratory medicine, TB, Cancer

Professor Kathryn Peall
Personal Chair, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University
Expertise – Neurology, Clinical Neurology, Movement Disorders

Professor A.V. Ramanan
Professor of Paediatric Rheumatology, University of Bristol and Consultant Paediatric Rheumatologist, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Expertise – Rheumatology, Immunology, Clinical Trials

Professor Philippa Saunders FRSE
Professor of Reproductive Steroids and Co-Director Exppect Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh
Expertise – Endometriosis, Reproductive Health, Experimental Medicine

“We were delighted that the Trust recognised the innovative way in which RBLI is working to help veterans with multiple challenges achieve truly independent living. Its significant pledge of support was also a powerful catalyst in drawing wider attention to our holistic care model, and the further £2.3m in donations which followed was crucial to the continuing development and replication of this unique concept”.

- Lisa Farmer, Director of Strategic Development, Royal British Legion Industies (RBLI)