Innovation and Improvement in Health and Care

Fund for health and care services

Sir Jules Thorn Charitable Trust has a long track record of supporting capital investment to improve services or facilities for people living with serious long-term or life-limiting conditions. Following a strategic review, the Innovation and Improvement in Health and Care Fund was launched in 2022 to support the development of new models of health and care and the integration of health and care services.

Please review the guidance below to determine your organisation’s eligibility for the Innovation and Improvement in Health and Care Fund before applying.

If you submitted an application in our most recent round, we aim to notify you of the outcome of your Expression of Interest in January 2025.

Our Funding

What is the purpose of the programme?

What projects will we fund?

What projects will we not fund?

What level of funding is available?

Will the programme fund staff costs?

Will the programme fund overhead costs?

What is the funding period?

Applicant Organisations

What organisations are eligible to apply?

What organisations are not eligible to apply?

Can organisations submit as a partnership?

Is there a time restriction for past applicants to reapply?

The Applications Process

What are the application stages and deadlines?

What supporting evidence is required to apply?

Where is the Budget Template available for download?

Is there additional guidance for the Expressions of Interest?

Is there additional guidance for the Second-Stage Applications?

Is there additional guidance for the Full Applications?

Other Information

Important Additional Guidance

Contact Information